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9th Class Guess Paper on Physics Annual Exam 2020 (ALP)

9th Class Guess Paper  Physics (Annual Exam 2020, According to ALP Syllabus):

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Important Short Questions:

  • What is meant by Vernier Constant or Least Count?
  • What is the use of Zero Error?. Why it is necessary in a measuring instrument?
  • Define significant figures.
  • What is Andromeda?
  • Describe Lord Kelvin Statement.
  • Define Unit. Write units of System International.
  • Define prefixes?
  • What is Hubble space telescope?
  • Differentiate between Scalar and Vector quantities.
  • Differentiate between Distance and Displacement.
  • Differentiate between Speed and Velocity.
  • Differentiate between Linear and Random motion.
  • What is Gyration Length?
  • Define Kinematics.
  • What change will occur in equation of motions under gravity?
  • Define Inertia.
  • Define Centripetal force?
  • Differentiate between Mass and Weight.
  • Differentiate between Sliding and Rolling Friction.
  • Why it is dangerous to travel on the roof of a bus?
  • Why does a passenger move outward when a bus takes a turn?
  • If action and reaction are always equal and opposite, then how does a body moves?
  • A horse pushes the cart. If action and reaction are always equal and opposite, then how does a cart move?
  • Define the law of conversation of momentum. Why it is important?
  • When a gun is fired, it recoils. Why?
  • Write two situations in which force of friction is needed.
  • Describe ways to reduce friction.
  • Why the outer edge of the road is kept higher (Banking of Road)?
  • On what principal cream separator works? / How does cream separator works?
  • Define dynamics.
  • A bullet has a very small inertia due to its small mass? But why does it impact is so strong when it is fired from the gun?
  • What is Atwood Machine?
  • Why fragile objects are packed with suitable materials?
  • Define system and isolated system.
  • What is co-efficient of friction?
  • Why Ball bearings are used to reduce friction?
  • Describe the advantages of friction.
  • Define Torque.
  • Define Center of Gravity.
  • Differentiate between torque and couple.
  • Differentiate between stable and neutral equilibrium.
  • When a body is said to be in equilibrium?
  • Give an example of moving body which is in equilibrium?
  • Think of a body which is in rest but not in equilibrium.
  • Why the height of vehicles is kept as low as possible?
  • Women and children in the villages often carry pitchers on their heads. How this is possible?
  • What is trigonometry?
  • What is rigid body?
  • What is axis of rotation?
  • Define moment arm.
  • Define center of gravity.
  • How does a paratrooper come down?
  • Define terminal velocity
  • Why a vehicle is made heavy at its bottom?
  • What is force of gravitation.
  • Define gravitational field.
  • What is global positioning system (GPS)?
  • Why does value of “g” vary from place to place?
  • On what factors orbital speed of a satellite depends?
  • Why communication satellite are stationed at geostationary orbit?
  • Define work. What is its SI unit?
  • What is Pole Vaulter?
  • Explain mass energy equation. E=mc2
  • Define ideal system / machine.
  • When does a force do work. Explain?
  • Which form of energy is most preferred and why?
  • Define power.
  • Define Watt.
  • What is Hydrometer?
  • What is meant by deforming force?
  • Differentiate between stress and strain?
  • State Pascal’s law.
  • What is Hook’s law. What is meant by elastic limit.
  • Define Archimedes principal.
  • Define thermal conduct and thermal equilibrium.
  • Define energy in transit and internal energy.
  • Define heat capacity.
  • Define thermal expansion.
  • Why gaps are left in railway tracks?
  • Why gaps are left in bridges with rollers?
  • Why overhead transmission lines are also given a certain amount of sag?
  • What is the use of bimetallic strip in thermostats?
  • What is anomalous expansion of water?
  • Explain volumetric thermal expansion.
  • Define specific heat
  • Define latent heat of fusion.
  • Define latest heat of vaporization

Important Long Questions:

  • Define Translatory motion and explain its types.
  • Derive Newton’s First Equation of Motion.
  • Derive Newton’s Second Equation of Motion.
  • Derive Newton’s Third Equation of Motion.
  • Explain Newton’s first law of motion with examples.
  • Explain Newtons second law of motion with examples. Prove F = ma.
  • Explain Newtons third law of motion with examples.
  • Explain first condition of equilibrium
  • Explain second condition of equilibrium
  • Describe the types of equilibrium.
  • Perform an experiment to find out the center of body of an irregular body.
  • What are geo-stationary satellites. What are their uses?
  • Define and explain Law of gravitation. Also derive the mass of earth with the help of this law.
  • Define Kinetic Energy. Also derive the relation for K.E?
  • What do you know about Youn’g modulus of an object? How would you determine it?
  • Define and explain Archimedes principal.
  • Explain the working of Hydraulic Press.
  • What is upthrust? Explain. What is principal of flotation.
  • Describe importance of large specific heat capacity of water.
  • Derive the relation of Linear thermal expansion in solids.

Other Important Things:

  • Objective Type Questions (MCQs)
  • Numericals Chapter wise
  • Diagrams that are compulsory

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