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10 Important Terms to know for SEO

50 Basic Terms used for SEO.

Part  1- Terma  1  -  10

Like any specialized industry, Search Engine Optimization also has its specific terms and definitions. In this SEO Glossary, the most commonly used terms are introduced which you must have to know.

Search Engine  Optimization is a broad topic. So before you start it, you must know some basic terms. So that, you may get aware of it. Let’s start right now

Followings are 10 basic used terms for SEO.

1:   Algorithm:

image of Algorithm
by Zahari Zarkov

Algorithm is a complex computer programming way used by Search Engine to retieve data and answer the queries. It is used to display results of website ranking, review youtube videos, answer the questions and many more

2:  Algorithm Changes

image of  Algorithm Change
  • Mike Walsh

  • Some Algorithm changes cannot be detected. But the major changes are easy to detect. They may have three forms
    I.    Algorithm Update:
    image   of  Algorithm update
    By:  John Piccone
                Search engine optimizes some of the algorithm's signals
    II.    Algorithm Refresh:
                Search engine re-runs a preconditioning algorithm by using previous signals.

    III.    New Algorithm:
                To improve the quality, Search Engine adds a new part of Algorithm

    3:  Alt Attribute:

                Alt attribute is an attribute that uses HTML code for image content that is used by search engines and screen readers. Alt provides alternative information for the attribute image

    4:  Analytics:

    image  of  Goggle Analytics
                Analytics is a logical calculation that gathers, analyzes, and interprets data that we collect  and interpret.  We plan our action on this as an Analytics. Analytics provides detailed information about your actions. It also shows how your audience responds to your actions

    5:  Anchor text

    this an image of Anchor Text
    By:  Neil Patel

                Anchor text is a text that we use to link out viewers to another  page. This is a clickable text   which we can click to go to next page. Use this text as a logo and a search engine links to this website or web page and provides us with contextual information.
    For example, if you have a site named “Info Tech Edu” that you want your visitors to visit, you will have an anchor text Infotechedu.
    If you want to search some site code, you would see a line that looks like this

    <a href=:"https://www.youtube.com">Eentire Info</a>
                                 Tag link                      Anchor Text
    6:  Authority:

                Authority is a combination of signals used to evaluate search engine WebPages or websites that may be used for ranking purposes

    7:   Back links:

    this an image of Back Links
    By:   Seobility

                Back links are simply a link that you can use to visit another site. This site is linked to another site. The search engine uses Google's back link to display a ranking signal, which is joined by a to another site's content and is trusted by other site.
    High-quality back links help increase the site's ranking position and search engine result visibility

    8:   Bounce Rate:

                The bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who visit your site and visit your website without having to visit another page. There are also a few visitors who visit your site and find out about your site.
    Bounce rate is an important factor in SEO. The bounce rate of your site is one of the most important ways to measure your site's success. You do not have to be accustomed to maintaining a bounce rate on your site.
    9:  Broken Link:

    Broken Links
    By Jay Kang

                A link that does not exist and shows an error is a broken link. Broken link is a link on the web that
    does not work. If you click on the broken link, an error message will be displayed. If you link your blog post
    to a website, and Google  removes the page from your website, you have used a  broken link in your post
    10:  Canonical URL:

    this is an image of Canonical URL

                The canonical tag specifies search engine about a specific URL.  With the same content being used
    for multiple URLs, we use canonical URLs in order to minimize duplicate content problem. It tells the
    search engine which version of content you want to display.

    These are essential SEO terms that I would like you to understand.

    I hope you would have found this SEO Glossary article (Essential SEO Terms) much informative. If you have still any query about any topic, you may ask me about it in comment section by comment. This SEO course is designed just for you. You may find complete Word Press and SEO complete course in Urdu/Hindi. If you want to learn WordPress, you may visit my channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/entireinfo


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