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10 Important Terms to know for SEO (Part 3) || SEO tips

10 Important Terms  for SEO Part (3)

Here are 10 terms to know for you about SEO
Like any specialized industry, Search Engine Optimization also has its specific terms, and definitions. In this SEO Glossary, most commonly used terms are introduced which you must have to know.

    Search Engine  Optimization is a broad topic. So before you start it, you must know some basic terms. So that, you may get aware of it. Let’s start right now

21:  Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Conversion Rate Optimization

Credited:  https://kandra.pro/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Conversion-rate-optimization.png

          The number of conversions and its quality on the website is called conversion rate optimization
(CRO) process. Common CRO tactics includes testing changes for website design, copy, images,
pricing, call-to-action, and messaging.

22:  De-index
de index

Credited:   https://www.liberaldictionary.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/deindex-0703.jpg

      If Google temporarily or permanently removes your website or webpage from search results, especially from search index, it is called de-index.

23:  Domain Authority:

Credited to:

        The Domain Authority (DA) is a search engine ranking score, developed by Moz, which predicts that the search engine results page will be added to the website kit's rank. The Domain Authority provides a score of 100 takedowns, a site with a zitada score and a high score on your site search engine.

24:  Doorway Page:


            Doorways are such pages that are created to rank a specific search queries higher. These pages are created for users  who visit that site from any other site. These are uses for redirecting them.

25:  Duplicate Content:


             If a significant amount of content on a webpage is matched by other content in the same or different web site, is called duplicate content. Search engine does not index the duplicate content, so your duplicate content will not be displayed in the search results.

26:   Featured Snippet:


               A featured snippet is a summary of an answer to a user's query, which is displayed on top of Google search results. It's extracted from a webpage, and includes the page's title and URL.
 It is also known as:   Position Zero.

27:   Findability:


                Findability means how much easily a content of a website  is available internally and externally with additional information about the kit.

28:  Footer Link:


            The links that appear in the bottom section of the website.

29:  Google Analytics:


                 Google Analytics is a free web analytics program that uses information about audience behavior, traffic acquisition sources, content performance, and how we track analytics reports.

30:  Google Rank Brain:


Google Rank Brain is a machine-learning artificial intelligence system that is used to sort Google's search query results. This algorithm is used to help Google determine the exact result of the user's search query.

These are essential SEO terms that I would like you to understand.

   I hope you would have found this SEO Glossary article (Essential SEO Terms) much informative. 
   If you have still any queries about any topic, you may ask me about it in the comment section by comment. 
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